University of Memphis (Emeritus)
Memphis, Tennessee
Bartholomew has conducted research over decades with graduate students in regions surrounding the YBRA. A collaboration with Will Jackson (State Geologist of Tennessee) investigated the deformation associated with paleoseismic events in the Bighorn Basin, leading to refined insights into Laramide tectonism. Work with Graham Ellsworth (Donlin Gold LLC) on the analysis of fracture sets associated with the Dead Indian Hill and Heart Mountain detachments that followed the Laramide, has helped clarify the brittle fracture sequencing for the region.
Bartholomew, M.J., Stewart, K.G., Wise, D.U., and Ballantyne, H.A., 2008, Field Guide: Paleoseismites: Indicators of Laramide tectonism and other events near the Bighorn Basin, Montana and Wyoming, p. 135-158 in Thomas, R.C., and Gibson, R.I., eds., The Red Lodge Area, Montana: Tobacco Root Geological Society 33th Annual Field Conference – July 31 – August 3, 2008: Northwest Geology, v. 37, 172p.
Stewart, K.G., Bartholomew, M.J., Ballantyne, H.A., 2008, Laramide paleoseismites of the Bighorn Basin, p.249-264 in R.G. Raynolds, ed., Roaming the Rocky Mountains and Environs: Geological Field Trips: Geological Society of America Field Guide 10, Denver, Colorado, 310p.
Jackson, W.T., Jr., Bartholomew, M.J., Dupre, W.R., Armstrong, T.F., Stewart, K.G., 2016, Campanian paleoseismites of the Elk Basin anticline, northern Big Horn Basin, U.S.A.: A record of initial Laramide deformation: Journal of Sedimentary Research, V.86, p.394-407.
Jackson, W., Jr., McKay, M., Bartholomew, M., Allison, D., Spurgeon, D., Shaulis, B., Van Tongerren, J., Jacob Sertera, J., 2019, Laramide tectonism recorded by Late Cretaceous paleoseismites in the northern Bighorn Basin, USA: Field indicators of an applied end load stress: Geology, v. 47, no.11, p. 1059-1063.