Fundraising for the Future

The YBRA is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization that owns and operates a field station near Red Lodge, MT providing access for Earth Science courses and researchers to the diverse geological and ecological natural laboratory of the region.

Since our founding in 1936, we have played a vital role in the education of over 7,000 university students. For many, this experience was transformative and critical to launching successful careers in government, academia, and the resource and environmental industries.

Annually, YBRA hosts 6 – 10 universities, a paleontological institute, and a variety of other groups totaling over 350 participants.

Funding Aims


Contributions to YBRA are vital for sustaining our camp and operations, and fulfilling our mission supporting Earth Science education and research. With your help we can continue to provide the exceptional study environment that thousands of students have experienced over the last 88 years. Donations in any amount can be made to YBRA (general fund) or directed toward specific funding aims including the following:


General fund

A gift to the General Fund is not restricted to a specific use and can be used to support YBRA operations and mission fulfilling activities.

Restore and Grow YBRA

A gift to the Restore and Grow YBRA Fund is focused on maintaining, renovating, and upgrading camp infrastructure and facilities including things like new cabins, existing cabin renovations, upgrading cabin furnishings, installing metal roofs to reduce fire risk as well as routine facilities maintenance and infrastructure upgrades. Donors can inquire about specific camp needs and direct donations to specific causes if they wish such as new dorms and cabins, cabin restoration projects or other areas to maintain our camp and facilities as an inspiring and historic place to fulfill our mission.

Endowment Fund

A gift to the YBRA Endowment Fund will assist with the long-term financial viability of the YBRA. The principal in the endowment by policy is maintained in the endowment and can not be used for other camp purposes unless there is a catastrophic need, while the dividends and interest at the discretion of the YBRA can be used to support ongoing operations. The YBRA is seeking to dramatically grow the Endowment fund through donations and grants over the next 3-5 years from approximately $200,000 to over $1 million so that the dividends and interest proceeds can potentially support part-time staff year-round staff or operations needs to keep the camp financially sound and operating far into the future. The year-round YBRA Board and Officers are currently all volunteers with no Executive Director. The fund principal is invested in interest bearing accounts, funds and securities using Prudent Investor Principles to preserve the principal while growing the principal, dividend and interest yields to support the long-term viability of the YBRA. Prospective donors with questions about any of these areas can feel free to contact Jack Bonini - YBRA Treasurer or Rich Fifarek - YBRA Acting President.

How to donate

Donations can be made via PayPal or a check mailed to the attention of accounting.  Please indicate in the memo line on a check or in a note in Paypal if the donation is intended for the General Fund, the Restore and Grow Fund or the Endowment Fund.

Mail check to:
Yellowstone Bighorn Research Association (YBRA)
PO Box 630
Red Lodge, MT 59068-0630

Planned Giving​


Support the YBRA while also fulfilling your personal financial goals and make an impact for decades to come.


The Yellowstone Bighorn Research Association is recognized as a tax-exempt charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

For reference, the YBRA EIN is: 06-0694694

With a planned charitable gift you may be entitled to the following financial benefits:

• Reduction of income taxes
• Avoidance of capital-gains tax
• Increase in disposable income
• Elimination of estate taxes

There are several types of planned charitable giving, including:

• Bequests
• Charitable Lead Trust
• Charitable Remainder Trust
• Gifts of Life Insurance
• Gifts of Retirement Account

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, shares of stock donated to the YBRA may be able to be deducted at the current market value of the stock and the donor may not have to recognize taxable gains on the stock. Also, if an RMD is transferred directly from the retirement custodian to the YBRA, the donor may not need to include the distribution in their taxable income. Please note that the YBRA does not offer tax advice, so please discuss anything related to tax treatment of your potential donation in advance of your donation with your tax advisor.

If you would like to discuss other options for supporting the YBRA, please email ybra1936@gmail.com so we can connect!

Supplemental Information

• For the most recent financial statements, IRS form 990, IRS non-profit status letter, organizational bylaws, and direct board member contacts e-mail the YBRA at ybra1936@gmail.com

• Please consider sharing this giving opportunity with other YBRA alumni and supporters!

• If you are interested in becoming a member, click here to go to our membership page.

The Road To Camp

Get Involved


The YBRA is a non-profit organization that was established in 1936 to "further fundamental geological science and the training of students under exceptionally favorable conditions."

YBRA conducts geology and other applied field science in the northern Rocky Mountains of Montana and Wyoming.

Contact Us